Dante Language Program SUMMER Courses!

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Ciao a tutti!
The Dante Alighieri Society of Washington is proud to announce its first-ever SUMMER LANGUAGE COURSES!
Here's a message from Giuseppe Tassone, our Language School Director, to continuing and prospective students:

The Dante Alighieri Society of Washington - Italian Language Program, after the positive experience of our spring quarter online classes, is offering for the first time a summer online review section. During the summer sections, students will solidify what has been learned in level A1 & B1 (fall, winter and spring) before advancing to the next level of Italian in the fall of 2020. Special attention will be given to improve speaking and listening comprehension skills.  Registration deadline for Summer is July 3, 2020. 

The regular school year 2020-21 will start on October 1st.  Students with no experience of Italian must enroll for the fall section in order to begin from zero. Students who completed levels A1, A2 and B1 in the spring can enroll to the next level independently from the participation to the summer section.

Here is the Summer registration form - remember the deadline to register is July 3!


A presto,
Joyce Ramee
President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington


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