Festa per i Bambini needs help


Ciao a tutti - 

Below is  a request from Caterina Wartes, the organizer of our annual Festa di Natale per i Bambini.  Please give it your sincere consideration.

If you have any suggestions or can provide contact information, please email Caterina directly at speranza.se@gmail.com.   DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL BY HITTING THE REPLY BUTTON.

Thanks.  Hope you're having a pleasant summer.

A presto,
Dan DeMatteis

Dear Dante members,

The Natale event needs help finding a new location. 

After 5 years, we have lost our space to new construction plans at Christ the  King  Parish in  Seattle.

Several options  have been researched and we are hoping that if all of us offer some ideas we can find an appropriate new space.  If you can think of a community hall, parish, school,  city park space (but no gymnasiums please) etc. that would meet our  needs, please contact me at the email below or phone me directly.

Here is a short list of what we need:

1.  A location reasonably near the I-5 Highway corridor.
2.  Six hours (11 to 5)  on December 7th, 2019
3.  Occupancy for aprox. 40 to 50  children and adults.
        (similar to the size of our Headquarters House on Beacon Hill)
4.  Very small kitchen facilities  for refreshments and clean-up.
5.  We are a non-profit  (501-C3) organization.

Note: If anyone is a member of a parish or club, discount rental fees may be available.

I thank everyone in advance for thinking about this effort and welcome any ideas you have!

Con speranza, 
Caterina  Murone Wartes

speranza.se@gmail.com or
360 638 2500

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