THIS COMING WEDNESDAY, NOV 14 at POC, ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL (SE corner of 9th Ave and Columbia St.)
Our speaker will be Prof. Beatrice Arduini from the University of Washington on the fascinating topic of “Italian Languages and Dialects”.
Prof. Arduini will take a linguistic dive into Italy's languages and dialects and their significance for language learners and Italy lovers. Italy is a very rich country in terms of linguistic heritage: the Italian peninsula is home to 28 indigenous and six non-indigenous languages, although Italians usually - and rather erroneously, according to many linguists - refer to those as "i dialetti." Where do these "dialects" come from, and why do Italians often not respect their own languages enough to recognize their uniqueness and call them languages?
Beatrice Arduini completed her undergraduate and doctorate degrees at the University of Milan in Italy and received her Ph.D from Indiana University - Bloomington. She centers her work on Medieval Italian literature and Dante Studies, particularly on manuscript culture. She is currently working on her book project, "The Invention of Dante’s Convivio", which examines the tradition of Dante’s unfinished treatise in manuscripts and early printed editions.
You may remember Prof. Arduini's lively talk from last season on "The Portrait of Dante, Poet and Pilgrim" in which she discussed the visual tradition of Dante up until the time when his portrait was crystallized in the image we associate with the poet today.
As usual our Pre-Dante Pasta Dinner will be ready at 6:30 and the program will start at 7:30. Please feel free to bring an antipasto, dolce, or vino to share. The cost of the dinner is $8 per person or $15 per couple.
If you plan to come for the dinner as well as the presentation, please make your reservation by 5:00 pm Monday November 12 by:
clicking on the button below,
calling our Reservation Line at our NEW number, (206) 289-0419 or
emailing your request to our NEW reservation email,
Let us know how many are in your party. This will help our volunteer cooks know how much pasta to prepare.
This meeting will be our first at St. James Cathedral in the Parish Outreach Center (POC). Our December meeting will also be there.
To reach the Cathedral take the James Street Exit from I-5 and head east (up the hill) on James Street and then take a left on 9th Avenue. The POC is located two blocks north on the right hand side at the SE corner of Columbia and 9th.
Free parking is available in the O'Dea High School parking lot, a block and a half up Columbia Street heading east (uphill), a right turn from 9th. The entrance to the lot is behind the school on the left .
Feel free to come early to help set up the room and start visiting. And, in any case, please come.
A presto -
Dan DeMatteis,
President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington