THIS COMING WEDNESDAY, OCT 9 at St. Patrick's Church - Social Hall, 815 E Edgar Street, Seattle
Our October speaker is the ever-popular, Rob Prufer, who once again will explore with us some of the wonders of Italian art. This year his topic is: An Avant-Garde Italia: The Futurists, Modern Art and the Promise of the 20th Century.
In 1909 the writer Filippo Tommaso Marinetti published his Futurist Manifesto, in which he denounced the oppressive weight of Italy’s past and advocated a program of radical artistic, social and technological innovation. Soon, painters, sculptors, writers and musicians joined Marinetti in a quest to re-fashion Italian culture. They are known collectively as The Futurists. What are we to make of their whirlwind of artistic output? What impact did they have? How Italian was this movement of passionate Italians?
Rob Prufer is a long-time participant in Dante Alighieri Society of Washington activities, including serving several years as vice-president. He is an avid student of the Italian language and Italian art history. He shares his passion for art history with his students at Newport High School and the wider public in his lecture series at the Bellevue Arts Museum, The Loggia Lectures.
If you plan to come for the dinner as well as the presentation, please make your reservation by 5:00 pm Monday October 7 by:
clicking on theDINNER RESERVATIONbutton below or,
calling our Reservation Line at our NEW number, (206) 289-0419 or
emailing your request to our NEW reservation email,
Let us know how many are in your party. This will help our volunteer cooks know how much pasta to prepare.
The meeting as usual will be in the Parish Social Hall at St. Patrick's Church, 815 E Edgar St., Seattle.
To reach St. Patrick's from the North, follow I-5 S. Take exit 168A for Boylston Ave toward Roanoke St. Merge onto Boylston, turn left at light onto E Roanoke St. Turn left at the first cross street onto Harvard Ave E.
To reach St. Patrick's from the South, follow I-5 N. Take exit 168A for Lakeview Blvd E. Turn left onto Lakeview Blvd E, and continue onto Boylston Ave E. Turn right at the light onto E Roanoke St. Turn left at the first cross street onto Harvard Ave E.
The parking lot will be on your right off Harvard. And the stairway down to the door to the Social Hall is located at the parking lot level in back of the Church, off the parking lot.
Feel free to come early to help set up the room and start visiting. And, in any case, please come.
A presto -
Dan DeMatteis, President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington