Our presenter next Wednesday April 25 will be the Director of our Language School, Giuseppe Tassone. His topic is “La cultura del bello: The Concept of "Made in Italy". Ferrari, Benneton, Gucci, Campari, Peroni, Lavazza, Fiat, Martini & Rossi, De Cecco - just some of the Italian brands we know, perhaps use and love. Giuseppe will fill in some of the context of what "Made in Italy" is all about.
Giuseppe is a passionate language educator, coordinator, and advocate of Italian language and culture. He has a background in economics and finances, but has chosen to specialize in Italian language and culture. He has 20+ years of experience teaching, developing curricula, coordinating, testing, and assessing in public and non-profit organizations for example at the University of Washington, Seattle University, Shoreline College and, of course, the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington!
As usual, the evening will begin with food and conversation at 6:30. Please feel free to bring an antipasto, dolce or vino to share. The presentation will start at 7:30.
The meeting will be in our usual place, Garden House, 2336 15th Avenue South (In the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Seattle). Directions are on the DAS website: you want to avoid traffic snarls, you can also take Link Light Rail to the Beacon Hill Station. The Garden House is a short 5 minute walk away.
Feel free to come early to help set up the room and start visiting. And, in any case, please come.
A presto -
Dan DeMatteis,
President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington