Reminder February 26 Italian Meeting (copy 01)

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Ciao a tutti -

This is a reminder that this week's meeting of the Dante Alighieri Society will be at the St. James Cathedral Pastoral Outreach Center, 907 Columbia Street. This is our Italian Language Program and our speaker, Annalisa Bellerio, will be discussing Leonardo da Vinci. For more information about Annalisa and her presentation, visit the Dante Society Website.

As usual, the evening will begin with food and conversation at 6:30. There is no cost for the meeting, but you are encouraged to bring along an antipasto, dolce or vino to share.  The presentation which will be mainly in Italian will start at 7:30. 

To reach the Cathedral take the James Street Exit from I-5 and head east (up the hill) on James Street and then take a left on 9th Avenue. The POC is located two blocks north at the SW corner of Columbia and 9th.  A flight of stairs leads up to the door.

The front door will be locked after the presentation starts for security reasons.  If it is, please go to the delivery entrance near the parked cars on the east side of the POC.  It will be open. 

Free parking is available in the O'Dea High School parking lot, a block and a half up Columbia Street heading east (uphill), a right turn from 9th.  The entrance to the lot is behind the school on the left .

A presto - 

Dan DeMatteis,
President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington


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