As we informed you previously, we POSTPONED the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) until May 13 and will CANCEL the Italian Meeting scheduled for April 29.
Since it looks like it will not be possible to meet in person on May 13, the Board has decided to use a meeting software, namely ZOOM, for an online, virtual meeting. The Board has used Zoom recently for its meetings and has found it easy and convenient to use.
There is no cost to you. At the time of the meeting, we will send you an email which includes a link. Just click on the link and Zoom will download a piece of temporary software to allow you access to the meeting. If the address you had previously given us for email communication, the one this email was sent to, is not the email address you would like us to send the ZOOM invitation link to, please send us the correct address at You can send the email addresses of other family members, if they will be attending online from a different device.
The Agenda for the meeting consists of the President's, Treasurer's and Language School reports. These will be sent out to you ahead of time. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback about these reports during the meeting.
The other regular agenda item at the AGM is the election of officers for the 2020-2021 Program Year. The Nominating Committee - Carol DeMatteis, Nancy MacDonald and Joyce Ramee - have put forth this slate of Candidates for you to vote on during the meeting:
Joyce Ramee, President
Bruce Leone, Vice President
John Steedman, Secretary
Harry Reinert, Treasurer
Domenico Minotti
Houghton Lee
Janet Lenart
Robert DeCicco
Christina McDonald
Andrea Aldrich
According to our bylaws, members can nominate additional candidates for the Board, including themselves. If you would like to do so, please send an email to the Nominating Committee at
There are several pieces of important business we would like to discuss at this meeting, besides the annual reports and the annual election of the slate of Board and Officers. These concern issues of ongoing communication by email, online voting and proposed future bylaws changes. Please plan to be there at the Zoom AGM if possible.
Please take care of yourself during these stressful days. Statemi bene!
I look forward to seeing many of you again, even if only virtually.
Dan DeMatteis, President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington