Membership Renewal Reminder 2020

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Just a reminder that your 2019 Dante Alighieri Society membership is up for renewal for 2020.

The Dante membership year goes from January to December each year.  Dues are $40 for a single membership and $50 for a family membership.  Your dues help support the many activities of the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington and allow us to keep our event prices as low as possible. All donations are greatly appreciated.

You are now able to renew online on our website: .  Its simple and easy.

Or, if you prefer, we'll have a membership table set up at the English Meeting on Wednesday.  You can renew there.

The Dante Alighieri Society of Washington promotes the Italian language and culture and welcomes all who share those objectives. Each year we present English and Italian programs open to the public, and host the Christmas party and the Annual Wine Dinner featuring wines from throughout Italy. The Society also sponsors an Italian Language program with beginner to expert classes for everyone who wants to learn, improve or perfect their fluency in Italian.

We are an official chapter of the Società Dante Alighieri, an international organization headquartered in Rome, Italy.   When traveling in Italy, Washington Chapter members are eligible to receive discounts. Information on the available discounts is available on the Dante Seattle website:  .
Be sure to ask for your Membership Card at one of our meetings.

Dante Alighieri Society of Washington is a 501(c)(3) organization. Membership dues and donations are tax deductible to extent allowed under federal law. Tax ID: 91-0988808.

A presto - 

Dan DeMatteis,
President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington


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