Reminder: Dante Italian Presentation TOMORROW in person



no reservations needed – bring vino & antipasti

Ravenna and the perpetual reading
of Dante’s Commedia

Italian Presentation LIVE
given by
Mario Cazzanti

St. Clement’s Church
1501 32nd Ave S., Seattle 98144
Wednesday March 22, 2023
Doors open 6:30 for antipasti,* presentation at 7:30
Welcome back to in-person Dante events!!
For our Wednesday, March 22 Italian meeting, Mario Cazzanti, a Dante member and native of the area near Ravenna and Ferrara, will relate his experience participating in the “Lettura Perpetua” of the Commedia organized by the city of Ravenna, on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante in 2021. 
Here is Mario’s description of his talk:
“Storia della partecipazione di un Circolo Culturale di Seattle alle celebrazioni per il 7mo centenario della morte di Dante con l’iniziativa di Ravenna della ‘Lettura Perpetua’ della Commedia. Ravenna e’ stata crocevia di culture che hanno modellato una parte rilevante del bacino del Mediterraneo e del  continente Europeo. I mosaici che  decorano basiliche ed i battisteri testimoniano l’intensità di un periodo storico unico. La bellezza di tale arte ha contribuito quasi certamente in  Dante a descrivere in modo ammirevole la bellezza dei cieli del suo Paradiso. L’incontro con l’assessore alla cultura di Ravenna Fabio Sbaraglia e’ stata la prestigiosa conclusione della nostra visita alla città, col seguito della lettura del V Canto Inferno.”
It is not necessary to make a reservation to attend this free Italian meeting, as dinner will not be served.

Please bring antipasti and/or vino to share in the social hour before the presentation.

*Dante is abiding by current King County Covid 19 Guidelines for live meetings.
Anyone with known recent exposure to  or symptoms of COVID  should not attend.
Masking in indoor spaces is encouraged but optional.
Read the current King County COVID -19 Guidelines



Dante March Italian Meeting IN-PERSON March 22!!!


Ravenna and the perpetual reading
of Dante’s Commedia

Italian Presentation LIVE
given by
Mario Cazzanti

St. Clement’s Church
1501 32nd Ave S., Seattle 98144
Wednesday March 22, 2023
Doors open 6:30 for antipasti,* presentation at 7:30
Welcome back to in-person Dante events!!
For our Wednesday, March 22 Italian meeting, Mario Cazzanti, a Dante member and native of the area near Ravenna and Ferrara, will relate his experience participating in the “Lettura Perpetua” of the Commedia organized by the city of Ravenna, on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante in 2021. 
Here is Mario’s description of his talk:
“Storia della partecipazione di un Circolo Culturale di Seattle alle celebrazioni per il 7mo centenario della morte di Dante con l’iniziativa di Ravenna della ‘Lettura Perpetua’ della Commedia. Ravenna e’ stata crocevia di culture che hanno modellato una parte rilevante del bacino del Mediterraneo e del  continente Europeo. I mosaici che  decorano basiliche ed i battisteri testimoniano l’intensità di un periodo storico unico. La bellezza di tale arte ha contribuito quasi certamente in  Dante a descrivere in modo ammirevole la bellezza dei cieli del suo Paradiso. L’incontro con l’assessore alla cultura di Ravenna Fabio Sbaraglia e’ stata la prestigiosa conclusione della nostra visita alla città, col seguito della lettura del V Canto Inferno.”
It is not necessary to make a reservation to attend this free Italian meeting, as dinner will not be served.

Please bring antipasti and/or vino to share in the social hour before the presentation.

*Dante is abiding by current King County Covid 19 Guidelines for live meetings.
Anyone with known recent exposure to  or symptoms of COVID  should not attend.
Masking in indoor spaces is encouraged but optional.
Read the current King County COVID -19 Guidelines

other items of interest!

The Dante Alighieri Society of British Columbia presents
An Italian Poet cruising through Manhattan
A journey through New York City with Poet Sara Fruner
Discover Manhattan through a poet’s eyes
Saturday March 18 12:00-1:30 PDT
Free event on Zoom

March 18 Dante BC RSVP
Annual Meeting of the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

St. Clement’s Episcopal Church
1501 32nd Ave S., Seattle 98144
Doors open 6:00; dinner served 6:30 with meeting to follow. No charge for dinner but registration will be required. Official notice of this meeting, with voting items, slate of nominees and registration link will be sent in early April. Renew your Dante membership now if you aren’t current:

 Have you ever heard of Club Alpino Italiano? We are a local Italian Club in the Pacific NW, focused on the out-of-doors. Our parent group was established in Italy in 1863 and we have some 322,000 members. Sometimes we sponsor day hikes, or snow shoeing, or bird watching expeditions, or mountain safety … to name just a few. All CAI -PNW events have a leader familiar with the territory. Membership is reasonable and comes with some benefits that other Italian Clubs may not offer.  So if you hike with us or travel to Italy we can offer an informed and entertaining outing.


Copyright © 2023 Dante Alighieri Society of Washington, All rights reserved.


Dante Society of Washington March 8th Dantedi Presentation on Zoom




given by
Students from the Dante Society Language Program
Giuseppe Tassone, Director


English and Italian Presentation on ZOOM
Wednesday March 8, 2023
Zoom Room opens at 7:00 PM
Presentation begins 7:30 PM

 It’s March and we’ll be celebrating our titular poet once again this year with Dante-focused presentations in the month in which he traditionally began his journey from Inferno to Paradiso: March, 1300. At this meeting, on the occasion of the Dantedì, the students of the Italian Language Program of the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington, coordinated by their instructor and Language Program director, Giuseppe Tassone, will present and showcase Dante and some of his work. Italian and English will be used in the delivery of this presentation. This popular presentation has been warmly received in our zoom line’up for the past two years. Join us March 8th to hear what the students have prepared for us this time!
Let’s celebrate Dante and the students’ accomplishments!
For security, we will not post the invitation link publicly. If you wish to attend, please register and you will receive an email with a link to the Zoom meeting. If you invite friends to join you, share this registration link with them, not the meeting link. 

REGISTER by 12:00 Noon on March 8, 2023

In the spirit of our collaborative programs on zoom this winter, members of the Dante Alighieri Society of British Columbia are especially welcome at this presentation!



Dante February Italian Meetings on Zoom!

Register now for either or both of the next collaborative zooms,
presented by the


“Sulle tracce dei cavalieri Templari.
Dal Lazio a Gerusalemme”

con il criminologo Marco Strano
Italian Presentation on ZOOM
presented by the Dante Society of British Columbia
Sabato, 18 febbraio 2023,
12:00 – 1:30 PM Pacific time

Viaggio storico e geografico nei misteri dell’Ordine cavalleresco dei Templari accompagnati da una guida d’eccezione, lo psicologo e criminologo Marco Strano. La nascita dell’Ordine dei Cavalieri Templari 
Monaci; e Guerrieri; I Templari in Terrasanta e in Europa; Persecuzione e distruzione dell’Ordine; I simboli e la loro misteriosa attività e La presenza dei Templari nella provincia di Rieti. 
Marco Strano, psicologo e criminologo, ha passato 40 anni nelle forze di polizia italiane,
combattendo la criminalità organizzata di tipo mafioso. 

for more details: Sulle tracce dei cavalieri Templari. Dal Lazio a Gerusalemme

Register for this zoom:


“Arie celebri della musica classica per Tuba, cimbasso e pianoforte.”
presented by the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington
Lecture-Recital given in Italian by
Gianmario Strappati, concertista, virtuoso della tuba

Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Zoom Room opens at 7:00 PM
Concert begins 7:30 PM
Register here

We have a musical event for our February 22 Italian meeting his time, direct from Italy. Gianmario Strappati, concertista, professore al Conservatorio G. Verdi di Ravenna in Italia and Ambasciatore di Missioni Don Bosco per la musica nel mondo will present a live concert entitled “Delle arie più celebri della musica classica, interpretate per Tuba, cimbasso e pianoforte.” Gianmario will serenade us with some familiar and famous classical music interpreted by him on the tuba. He’ll also provide commentary in Italian on the music.
REGISTRATION is required to attend. Please register (by 12 noon on February 22) and you will receive an email with a link to the Zoom meeting. If you invite friends to join you, share this registration link with them, not the meeting link. 


Hope to see you at the zooms!


February 8 English Language Meeting

Register now for the next collaborative zoom between
Dante Societies of Washington and British Columbia


The Many Cultures of Southern Italy

English Presentation on ZOOM
given by
Donald De Santis

Wednesday February 8, 2023
Zoom Room opens at 7:00 PM
Presentation begins 7:30 PM


Our February English meeting presenter is Donald De Santis, a Dante member, former lawyer and currently a lecturer on Azamara Cruises throughout the Mediterranean Sea.

His presentation, (in English) on Wednesday, February 8 will focus on “The Many Cultures of Southern Italy.” Here’s a brief description of his talk:

From the earliest periods of recorded history, the southern part of the Italian peninsula has been occupied/ruled by a host of outsiders – the Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Goths, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, French, and Spanish.This has shaped and formed the unique culture of this region. In ancient times, Syracuse was arguably the greatest of all Greek cities. Palermo was the site of an advanced Arabic kingdom in the Middle Ages and later was the seat of a Norman kingdom that was the intellectual center of Europe in the 12th century. Come visit a region that is a blend of many cultures and religions.


For security, we will not post the invitation link publicly. If you wish to attend, please register and you will receive an email with a link to the Zoom meeting. If you invite friends to join you, share this registration link with them, not the meeting link.

REGISTER by 12:00 Noon on February 8, 2023

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Upcoming collaborative zooms given in Italian:

The Dante Society of BC invites all to a presentation with criminologist Marco Strano “Sulle tracce dei cavalieri Templari. Dal Lazio a Gerusalemme”
Saturday, February 18, 12:00 PM Pacific Time
The Dante Society of Washington presents in concert Gianmario Strappati, concertista, professore della tuba al Conservatorio G. Verdi di Ravenna
“Delle arie piu celebri della musica classica, interpretate per Tuba, cimbasso e pianoforte”
Wednesday, February 22, 7:00 PM Pacific time

registration links will be sent for these two zooms after February 8.

A presto!