Annual General Meeting – May 13

Ciao a tutti –

The Dante Alighieri Society of Washington will hold it’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, May 13. It This will be an online meeting with both video and audio.

The Agenda for the meeting consists of the President’s, Treasurer’s and Language School reports. These will be sent out to members before the meeting. Members will have the opportunity during the meeting to ask questions and provide feedback about these reports and about the Society as a whole.

The other regular agenda item at the AGM is the election of officers for the 2020-2021 Program Year. The Nominating Committee – Carol DeMatteis, and Nancy MacDonald – have put forth this slate of Candidates for you to vote on during the meeting:

Joyce Ramee, President
Bruce Leone, Vice President
John Steedman, Secretary
Harry Reinert, Treasurer

Domenico Minotti
Houghton Lee
Janet Lenart
Robert DeCicco
Christina McDonald
Andrea Aldrich

According to our bylaws, members can nominate additional candidates for the Board, including themselves. If you would like to do so, please send an email to the Nominating Committee at

There are several pieces of important business we would like to discuss at this meeting, besides the annual reports and the annual election of the slate of Board and Officers. These concern issues of ongoing communication by email, online voting and proposed future bylaws changes.

On the day before the meeting, we will send active members an email which will include a URL link to participate in the meeting. We will resend the link the day of the meeting. Just click on the link you will be able to join the meeting.

Please take care of yourself during these stressful days. Statemi bene!

I look forward to seeing many of you again, even if only virtually.

Dan DeMatteis,
President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington

Revised Meeting Schedule for April and May

per la diffusione della lingua e della cultura italiana nel mondo

Ciao a tutti –

Following the recent announcement that Governor Inslee has extended the mandatory stay-at-home order through May 4, we will POSTPONE the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for April 15 to May 13 and CANCEL the Italian Meeting scheduled for April 29.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will make a decision about the May 13 AGM closer to that date. We are investigating the feasibility of having the AGM on May 13 using ZOOM (an online meeting software), including the election of new officers for our Program Year 2020-2021.

We understand that this is a developing situation and, as such, our policy will be responsive and in-line with the recommendations of Washington State and King County Public Health departments.

Please take care of yourself during these stressful days. Statemi bene!

“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” – John Lennon

Dan DeMatteis,
President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington

March 11 Meeting Postponed

Ciao a tutti –

The health and safety of our members remains our number one priority. We are following closely the guidance of our local public health experts, the World Health Organization, and the CDC regarding the threat and spread of COVID-19 and are carefully assessing the impact of this outbreak.

A few days ago, all news reports and public health experts stated that the risk to the general public was low, and therefore we said it was our intention to go forward with our meeting next Wednesday, March 11.

However, the situation has continued to evolve and the guidance from local public health professionals changed in the last 24 hours to strongly advise all people who were at greater risk (those who are over 60 or with a history of respiratory or immune disease issues) to avoid if possible large public gatherings. They also recommend that community group organizations either postpone or cancel events for the upcoming weeks.

For these reasons, we have decided to POSTPONE the Pasta Dinner and English Language presentation scheduled for next Wednesday, March 11.  We hope to reschedule Pat Hoffman’s talk for a date later this Spring if scheduling allows.

We will continue to monitor the situation and make a decision about whether to cancel the March 25 Italian meeting closer to that date.

We understand this is a developing situation, and as such our policy will be responsive and in-line with the recommendations of Washington State and King County Public Health departments.

A presto –

Dan DeMatteis,
President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington

English Language Meeting – September 12, 2018

Wed, September 12th, 2018 – Dominick Minotti

“Le Regioni d’Italia” (The Regions of Italy).

Nick will provide information and pictures about the foods,
wines, tourist attractions and industry of a region and ask
listeners to select the region to which those clues apply.
The presentation is a beta test of the quiz to be offered at
the Dante Alighieri Society Booth at Festa Italiana on
September 29 and 30.

Nick is a long-time Dante Alighieri Society member and
currently serves on the Society’s Board of Directors.

Register for dinner beginning Friday, September 7.