Zoom link for Dante April 28 Italian meeting



Join us for the
Dante Alighieri Society’s
April Italian Meeting
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Zoom room opens at 7:00

Presentation begins at 7:30

Ellis Island
  Presented by Maurizio Igor Meta
Maurizio Igor Meta on the Presentation:
“Ellis Island” is the Journey of Life. It is not only a project related to my memory, my identity, and to the deep connection with my land and roots, but it is something that affects every human being: it is a Tribute to the Origin, a tribute to that inborn ability of the human being to challenge the unknown. At the Origin of our lives, when we are born, we face that challenge for the first time. Immigrants face it again, taking a “leap in the dark to leap in Life”. In the Presentation we will open a time-gate on the late 1800s Italian immigration, we will talk about the origin of the project and how the experience of retracing the steps of my great grandfather turned in artworks, and we will listen to the sound composition of the installation “The first ship” to experience the ocean crossing of our fathers and the many immigrants of that age.
Author and actor, Maurizio Igor Meta works mainly in theatre and in the last few years in art installations. Drama, poetry, sound, video, light and scenography, are some of the means he uses in a dramaturgical composition to create a symbolical imagery. In November 2015 he sailed by a cargo ship from Naples to New York to retrace the steps of his great grandfather Domenico, who left Italy in the late 1800s to the United States, where he worked, pick and shovel, for the Pennsylvania Railroad. So he started his multidisciplinary project “Ellis Island”, which includes The Journey, the theater Solo with the same title – opened in the Napoli Teatro Festival Italia in July 2017 – the exhibition “On my great grandfather steps. Toward Ellis Island” – which includes several installations, and “The First Ship”, which opened in 2018 at the Madre Museum; a documentary and a book.
Topic: Dante April Italian Meeting ELLIS ISLAND
Time: Apr 28, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Participants may find listening on headphones will enhance the presentation

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Dante April 28 Italian Meeting: Ellis Island




Join us for the
Dante Alighieri Society’s
April Italian Meeting
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Zoom room opens at 7:00

(link will be sent two days before the event)
Presentation begins at 7:30

Ellis Island
  Presented by Maurizio Igor Meta
Maurizio Igor Meta on the Presentation:
“Ellis Island” is the Journey of Life. It is not only a project related to my memory, my identity, and to the deep connection with my land and roots, but it is something that affects every human being: it is a Tribute to the Origin, a tribute to that inborn ability of the human being to challenge the unknown. At the Origin of our lives, when we are born, we face that challenge for the first time. Immigrants face it again, taking a “leap in the dark to leap in Life”. In the Presentation we will open a time-gate on the late 1800s Italian immigration, we will talk about the origin of the project and how the experience of retracing the steps of my great grandfather turned in artworks, and we will listen to the sound composition of the installation “The first ship” to experience the ocean crossing of our fathers and the many immigrants of that age.
Author and actor, Maurizio Igor Meta works mainly in theatre and in the last few years in art installations. Drama, poetry, sound, video, light and scenography, are some of the means he uses in a dramaturgical composition to create a symbolical imagery. In November 2015 he sailed by a cargo ship from Naples to New York to retrace the steps of his great grandfather Domenico, who left Italy in the late 1800s to the United States, where he worked, pick and shovel, for the Pennsylvania Railroad. So he started his multidisciplinary project “Ellis Island”, which includes The Journey, the theater Solo with the same title – opened in the Napoli Teatro Festival Italia in July 2017 – the exhibition “On my great grandfather steps. Toward Ellis Island” – which includes several installations, and “The First Ship”, which opened in 2018 at the Madre Museum; a documentary and a book.



Annual General Meeting – May 13

Ciao a tutti –

The Dante Alighieri Society of Washington will hold it’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, May 13. It This will be an online meeting with both video and audio.

The Agenda for the meeting consists of the President’s, Treasurer’s and Language School reports. These will be sent out to members before the meeting. Members will have the opportunity during the meeting to ask questions and provide feedback about these reports and about the Society as a whole.

The other regular agenda item at the AGM is the election of officers for the 2020-2021 Program Year. The Nominating Committee – Carol DeMatteis, and Nancy MacDonald – have put forth this slate of Candidates for you to vote on during the meeting:

Joyce Ramee, President
Bruce Leone, Vice President
John Steedman, Secretary
Harry Reinert, Treasurer

Domenico Minotti
Houghton Lee
Janet Lenart
Robert DeCicco
Christina McDonald
Andrea Aldrich

According to our bylaws, members can nominate additional candidates for the Board, including themselves. If you would like to do so, please send an email to the Nominating Committee at info@danteseattle.org.

There are several pieces of important business we would like to discuss at this meeting, besides the annual reports and the annual election of the slate of Board and Officers. These concern issues of ongoing communication by email, online voting and proposed future bylaws changes.

On the day before the meeting, we will send active members an email which will include a URL link to participate in the meeting. We will resend the link the day of the meeting. Just click on the link you will be able to join the meeting.

Please take care of yourself during these stressful days. Statemi bene!

I look forward to seeing many of you again, even if only virtually.

Dan DeMatteis,
President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington

Revised Meeting Schedule for April and May

per la diffusione della lingua e della cultura italiana nel mondo

Ciao a tutti –

Following the recent announcement that Governor Inslee has extended the mandatory stay-at-home order through May 4, we will POSTPONE the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for April 15 to May 13 and CANCEL the Italian Meeting scheduled for April 29.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will make a decision about the May 13 AGM closer to that date. We are investigating the feasibility of having the AGM on May 13 using ZOOM (an online meeting software), including the election of new officers for our Program Year 2020-2021.

We understand that this is a developing situation and, as such, our policy will be responsive and in-line with the recommendations of Washington State and King County Public Health departments.

Please take care of yourself during these stressful days. Statemi bene!

“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” – John Lennon

Dan DeMatteis,
President, Dante Alighieri Society of Washington

Italian Language Meeting – September 26, 2018

Wed, September 26th, 2018 – Federica Gabardi
La testa degli italiani di Beppe Severgnini

For some foreigners Italy is only a great immutable poetics “mental Tuscany”. A land of light and perfumes, aperitifs at sunset and friendly natives. But in the heads of Italians – unfortunately or fortunately – there is something else. Traveling along the Peninsula in the company of friends from abroad, Beppe Severgnini becomes an ironic and implacable Dante. Beppe describing and explaining the cities, the streets, the houses, the squares, the shops, the churches, the stadiums etc.. describes a country that “has too much style to be hell” but is “too disorderly to be heaven.”

Federica was born and raised in Milan and she is very fond of her city. She studied Latin and ancient Greek, among other subjects, in high school at the Collegio San Carlo of Milan, and after her diploma, she graduated in Political Science from the Università Cattolica di Milano. Over the past 15 years Federica, driven by her passion for brand communication, has been working in different marketing and communication roles. In addition, Federica, extending her passion for brand communication and interpersonal communication, began a parallel career as a professional coach. As of today, she is a consultant, coach, and professional trainer in communication, style, and personal branding. Federica loves teaching Italian, sharing her language and bringing alive with her students the Italian style and way.