Vancouver BC Dante Society February Programs

Dante Alighieri Society of BC February Events

The Dante Alighieri Society of BC is sponsoring two online events in February.

On February 4 at 6:30 a Canadian couple talks about buying a House in Tuscany – A dream come true.

On February 25 at 6:30 Italian Sociologist Francesco Morace talks about the “Italian Factor”, the Italian way to innovation and design thinking.

More information about these two presentations is available on the Dante Alighieri Society of BC website at;

Interview with Beth Barrett – SIFF Artistic Director

One of our Dante members, Andrea Aldrich, recently interviewed the Artistic Director of SIFF, Beth Barrett, during a recent episode of her podcast, Italy Inside Out.

Beth gives us insider information about the Seattle International Film Festival and the reason Cinema Italian Style was born.

This year, because of the pandemic, Cinema Italian Style will be virtual, which has brought a whole new set of production challenges for SIFF. During the festival, new films are shown by established film makers and the works of new film makers are debuted. This engaging interview with Beth Barrett, Artistic Director for SIFF, discloses the history of the organization and the changes made throughout its 47 year existence, the emergence of the Italian film festival because of the strong community interest, the search for new films each year and a synopsis of some of her favorites in this year’s lineup.

You can listen to this episode of Italy Inside Out from wherever you get your podcasts or follow this link to episode No.14.

Beth Barrett