Spring Quarter Registration Now Open

Registration for spring quarter is now open for continuing students and new students and closes on March 20. Information on the classes and registration instructions are available here. The first day of class will be Tuesday, March 31. We recommend that absolute beginners  start classes in the fall. Students with some knowledge of Italian are often able to start classes in the Spring quarter without difficulty. For assistance in choosing the correct class, please contact the Language Program director, Giuseppe Tassone.

Il Punto Italian Language Conversation Group Moderators Needed

Volunteer for 1.5 hours, one Saturday morning per month, for either beginner/intermediate or intermediate/advanced levels.
  • Italian native language speaker required.
  • Experience as a moderator is not necessary.
  • Desire to share your knowledge of the Italian language and culture with enthusiastic (up to 8) participants required.
  • Help with identifying conversation topics available or you can select your own.
Cerchiamo volontari per i nostri gruppi di conversazione guidata.
  • Un sabato al mese, i gruppi si riuniscono per 90 minuti di conversazione guidata da una persona madrelingua italiana.
  • Non e` necessario avere esperienza come insegnante: e` sufficiente il desiderio di condividere la lingua e cultura italiana con persone entusiaste dell’Italia.
  • Ti possiamo suggerire noi gli argomenti, o li scegli tu!

Membership Renewal Time

Just a reminder that Dante Alighieri Society memberships are up for renewal for 2020. The Dante membership year goes from January to December each year. Dues are $40 for a single membership and $50 for a family membership.

Your dues help support the many activities of the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington and allow us to keep our event prices as low as possible. All donations are greatly appreciated. You are now able to renew online on our website: . Its simple and easy. Or, if you prefer, we’ll have a membership table set up at the English Meeting on Wednesday, February 12. You can renew there.

The Dante Alighieri Society of Washington promotes the Italian language and culture and welcomes all who share those objectives. Each year we present English and Italian programs open to the public, and host the Christmas party and the Annual Wine Dinner featuring wines from throughout Italy. The Society also sponsors an Italian Language program with beginner to expert classes for everyone who wants to learn, improve or perfect their fluency in Italian. We are an official chapter of the Società Dante Alighieri, an international organization headquartered in Rome, Italy. When traveling in Italy, Washington Chapter members are eligible to receive discounts. Information on the available discounts is available on the Dante Seattle website: Be sure to ask for your Membership Card at one of our meetings.

Dante Alighieri Society of Washington is a 501(c)(3) organization. Membership dues and donations are tax deductible to extent allowed under federal law. Tax ID: 91-0988808.

November Events

Ciao a tutti –

Exciting things are happening this November for lovers of things Italian.

First of all, the lineup for SIFF’s Cinema Italian Style, November 7-14 has been announced. I’ve included some info below as well as a link to their website for more information: This is a great opportunity to see some of the latest and best of Italian Cinema. Dante is once again this year a sponsor of the festival. I hope to see many of you there.

Then, the Seattle Art Museum has an exhibit of art works from the Capodimonte Museum in Naples , Flesh & Blood: Italian Masterpieces from the Capodimonte Museum. Flesh and Blood offers a rare opportunity to experience the beauty of art from the 16th and 17th centuries from a Neapolitan point of view. It is truly a once in a lifetime experience, unless – that is – you’re lucky enough to make it to Naples some time! Sarebbe i migliori di tutti!

Finally, Dante has joined with Il Punto to present a special event on Milano on Wednesday, November 20 at St. Patrick’s Social Hall. Federica Gabardi, a Milan native and a Women’s Empowerment Expert, will be the guest speaker. The presentation will be in Italian. I’ve included more information below.

A presto,
Dan DeMatteis


Prof. Claudio Mazzolla – Italian Cinema and Immigration

When: October 23, 2019
Speaker: Prof. Claudio Mazzolla
Topic: Italian Cinema and Immigration

About the Speaker:

 Dr. Claudio Mazzola received his “Laurea” in English from the University of Milan in 1981. He also received a degree in cinema studies from the City University of Milan. Claudio went on to receive a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Washington in 1986. His area of expertise is Contemporary Italian fiction and Italian Cinema. He has published a number of articles on those topics.

Dr. Claudio Mazzola, a long-time presenter at Dante, gave a fascinating lecture about “Italian Cinema and Immigration” at the Italian-language presentation to the Dante Alighieri Society on October 23, 2019.  Italy, perhaps more than any other European country, has been at the forefront of the immigration debate in Europe.

Dr. Mazzola began by providing a historical background of immigration in Italy, showing a series of informative statistical charts and graphs whose numbers tell a story of immigration and give insight into a changing demographic. Few immigrants were present before the arrival of 10,000 Albanians at Bari in 1990, when immigration laws were not in place. (The only law in place was from 1930.) By January 2017, the resident population of Italy was shown to be 60,579,000 with 5,029,000 foreign residents.

He highlighted information drawn from ISTAT (Isituto Nazionale di Statistica) data to bring to the foreground changing cultural elements that have been reflected in films and documentaries. Immigration over the last thirty years has influenced the relatively homogeneous Italian culture with changes in food, businesses, work hours, marriages, and religion.  For example, an aging population is now supported by an influx of younger immigrants, including female caregivers (badanti), primarily from the Ukraine.  Intermarriages between Italians and non-Italians are more common, particularly between Italian men and foreign women.  (These are just a few of the fascinating trends and details that Dr. Mazzola highlighted.)

In the final part of the presentation, Dr. Mazzola listed films by decade and characterized them in response to immigration. In the first period, from 1990 – 2000, the films present a somewhat idealistic view of immigration. Lamerica (1994) by Gianni Amelio, Vesna va veloce (1996) by Carlo Mazzacurati, and L’articolo 2 (1994) by Maurizio Zaccaro are included in this period.

Films in the second phase, from 2000 – 2010, move away from the earlier paternalism and try to reflect the immigrant’s point of view.  Titles include: Saimir (2004) by Francesco Munzi, Quando sei nato non ti puoi più nascondere (2005) by Marco Tullio Giordana, and La giusta distanza (2007) by Carlo Mazzacurati.

Films in the third period, 2010 – present, portray the anxiety of the immigrant experience. Listed in this phase are: Scontro di Civiltà per un ascensore in Piazza Vittorio (2010) by Isotta Toso , Io sono Li (2011) by Andrea Segre , Terraferma (2011) by Emanuele Crialese, La’-bas (2011) by Guido Lombardi, and Ali ha gli occhi azzurri (2012) by Claudio Giovannesi.

Dr. Mazzola ended with film clips of a most moving film, Fuocoammare, Fire at Sea, (2016) about the only doctor on the island of Lampedusa, where many of the North African refugees and migrants land. In the film, the doctor is responsible for the huge influx of refugees that the island’s port receives and processes and for the island’s inhabitants, who seem to have little interaction with the refugees.

In one heartbreaking scene, the doctor is in a monologue recalling the horrors and overwhelming numbness of having to examine and document so many corpses, as well as the desperate state of many of the living immigrants, who arrive on overcrowded boats. In another contrasting scene, the doctor is diagnosing an engaging young resident Italian boy with a patch on his eye for “lazy eye.”  With these scenes, Mazzola highlighted the intentional contrast in the film, showing the doctor as the only point of interaction between the two groups.

Many thanks to Dr. Mazzola for an illuminating presentation on a timely and important topic. We appreciate his expertise in Italian Society in Film and Literature, which he teaches at the University of Washington, and hope he will return soon.

Mary Beth Moser