October English & Italian Meetings

Announcing the Dante Alighieri Society’s

October English & Italian Language Meetings

Wednesdays, October 14 and 28, 2020

Zoom room opens at 7:00 Presentations begin at 7:30

English Language Meeting, October 14

Music of Luigi Cherubini and Alessandro Rolla
Chamber music lecture-recital recorded especially for Dante Alighieri Society of Washington


Emilie is Assistant Concertmaster of Pacific Northwest Ballet Orchestra and Concertmaster of Auburn Symphony. She is a graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Music. Joyce is currently President of the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington and a founding member of both Pacific Northwest Ballet and Auburn Symphony. She graduated from the Curtis Institute. Brian is Principal Cellist of Auburn Symphony and a member of Pacific Northwest Ballet Orchestra. He graduated from Cincinnati Conservatory. Together they will perform string trio music of the Italian Classical period, enhanced with biographical information about the featured composers. The evening will begin in Zoom and then all will enjoy a live broadcast of the lecture-recital, with time for questions and comments afterwards.

Italian Language Meeting, October 28

Italian Linens and Hand-stamping in Romagna
Francesca Carmichael – Italian Linen Store, Bellevue

Francesca Carmichael will speak about the hand-stamped, block print linens typical of the Romagna region of Italy. Francesca is the proprietor of Italian Linen Store  (italianlinenstore.com), a “molto italiano” store that is located in Bellevue. Its Italian hand-stamped linens for the home exemplify the antique craft that has continued to the present day with the products from Stamperia Bertozzi that, using traditional stamping techniques, offers a full range of decorative linens, from the classic to the contemporary.

Born and raised in Cremona, Francesca has lived in various countries and continents in the course of her life, beginning with her time at University, in Venice, then the Middle East, France and so forth, until she landed in Seattle in 2004. Here she opened her first shop in Woodinville importing from Italy antique furniture, hand-painted ceramics, decorative paper and stationery to textiles, a gradual and natural progression that compliments her own artistic nature. Zoom invitation links will be sent one day ahead of these meetings.


Festa Italiana Quiz – Pasta of Italy

When: September 9, 2020
Speaker: Domenico Minotti
Topic: Virtual Festa Italiana Quiz

About the Speaker:

In the late 1920s, Nick’s parents emigrated from Sant’Angelo, Limosano, a small hilltop town in Molise. The population at that time was about 1000 but is now 345 as Nick learned on a visit last year. The family spoke their dialect at home. Nick studied Italian at Columbia University and Perugia and got lots of practice while on Fulbright study grants in Milan in the mid 60’s. Nick returned to the states and to his first love, medicine, at Georgetown University and came to Seattle in 1976 to work at the US Public Health Hospital on Beacon Hill, better known as the Marine Hospital. He and his father Pasquale would attend Dante meetings back then but took a break until retirement a few years ago. Nick serves as a Consigliere for our Dante group.

About the Presentation:

For the past several years, Domenico has prepared a quiz for Festa Italiana, an annual celebration of Italian culture, food and music held each year at the Seattle Center at the end of August. Since this year’s Festa Italiana will be virtual, Domenico has prepared a virtual quiz to go along with that. The quiz was premiered at the Dante Alighieri Society’s English Language meeting held virtually on Zoom. Links to the quiz and the answer key along with a recording of the presentation are below.

PowerPoint Presentation (English Version)

PowerPoint Presentation (Italian Version)

Festa Quiz 2020 (Italian)

Festa Quiz 2020 (English)

Festa Quiz 2020 Answer Key

Recording of Presentation on September 9, 2020



Italian Flag

Learning Italian through Art – Dante Society Member Interviews

per la diffusione della lingua e della cultura italiana nel mondo

Fall Quarter Class Opportunity

Annalisa Bellerio, an Italian journalist and writer currently residing in Redmond, gave the last in person presentation at our Italian language meeting in February 2020 on Leonardo da Vinci. In the upcoming Fall quarter she will be teaching a course of Italian Through Art, offered online by Shoreline Community College. A description of the class and registration information is available on the Shoreline Community College website.

Dante Society Member Interviews

Andrea Aldrich, long time Dante member and new consigliere on the Dante Board, has interviewed two of our members for her podcast, Italy Inside Out. Check on here interviews available These are the links to the two episodes:

A Quest for Her Cultural Heritage in Trentino with Mary Beth Moser
Mary Beth Moser is a long time and active member of the Dante Alighieri Society and she is the current president of the Trentino Club in Seattle. During this interview, she discusses the unique history of the region of Trentino-Alto Adige, the languages known as dialects, the traditional foods and wine, the stories of the family connections she made and the Trentino immigrants in America.

Returning Home to Abruzzo in a Pandemic with Sam Ciapanna

Sam Ciapanna is a long time member and past president of the Dante Alighieri Society and he is the current president of the Il Punto. Sam has dual citizenship and recently purchased a home in the region of Abruzzo. He describes the challenges of traveling to Italy during the covid-19 crisis. We also learn of the love he has for the hill town of Colonnella where his grandfather was once a beloved tailor.
All episodes of Andrea’s podcast can be found on many podcast directories, including Apple Podcasts and Google podcasts.

Socially Distanced Goodbye to Nancy McDonald

Hopefully, each of us can say that there are one or two friends in our lives who always made you smile, always told you the truth and who were always there to step up when things were falling apart.

For the women of Dante who have been loving this Society for the last 25 years or so, that member was Nancy McDonald. It seemed like a sudden decision to most of us, but we all understood how much Nancy’s young nephews adored her! When the boys moved back East to Ohio last year, it was tough on everyone. Nancy took charge of her life and decided to solve the situation by moving to Ohio also!

So our friend who was so much a part of our Dante lives, was leaving. She was the person who organized the programs, the pre-Dante dinners, wrote the Dante cookbook, published the Dante brochure, and always solved the questions of struggling events and festivals. We could not let her leave without a proper send-off.

So Gini Harmon had the idea to gather together as many of us as possible for one last lunch together, outside on her deck Friday afternoon, July 10th. Twenty-one friends were contacted, and when all the universe did its job, we had seven ladies come, bearing food, gifts, cards and the best wishes of all those who could not make it, to say goodbye.

Through our masks we told stories, remembered old friends, and then had a wonderful salmon entree prepared by Gini, salads that only veteran Dante ladies could easily create, and a few tears.

We wish you could all have been there to send her off with giant air-hugs, and yet all the Dantes were there in spirit.

In a while Nancy will send the address of her newly built townhouse with updates! Thank you Nancy for making us at the Dante Society a part of your life for so many years.

—Caterina Murone Wartes

Nancy McDonald's Goodbye Party

From Left to Right: Louise Sportelli, Melinda Jankord-Steedman, Jane Cottrell, Caterina Wartes, Gini Harmon, and Nancy McDonald. Behind the camera: Sharon Leone.