English Language Meeting – September 13, 2023

When: September 13, 2023
Where: St. Clement’s Episcopal Church, 1501 32nd Ave. S, Seattle 98144
Speaker: Rebecca Albiani
Topic: Pietro Vannucci, AKA il Perugino

Local art lecturer Rebecca Albiani will introduce us to Pietro Vannucci, known as il Perugino, who was called “the best master in Italy” in 1500. The frescoes he painted that year in Perugia’s Collegio del Cambio (see below) are among his masterpieces. The Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria in Perugia, which houses a superb collection of his works, is hosting a landmark Perugino exhibition this spring in honor of the 500th anniversary of his death.

Rebecca Albiani

Rebecca Albiani has been an arts lecturer at the Frye Art Museum since 1997. She was a Graduate Lecturing Fellow at Washington’s National Gallery and a Fulbright Scholar in Venice. She received an MA from Stanford University and a BA from the University of California, Berkeley.

Beginning September 2023, the Frye Art Museum presents a new season of lectures by Rebecca Albiani, exploring masterpieces of world art, and providing pivotal context to better understand works on display at the Frye. All lectures will occur in person in the Frye Auditorium, and lecture recordings will be available to series passholders immediately following the lecture.

Second Thursdays, September 2023 – June 2024

In-Person: 11 am–12 pm Pacific Time, Auditorium

Learn more at: https://fryemuseum.org/programs/art-history-lecture-series-rebecca-albiani

Online Italian Language Classes

Italian language classes are now online.

Study and learn Italian, no matter where you are.

By Giuseppe Tassone

The 39th school year of the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington resumes on Tuesday, October 3, 2023. Our evening classes are now online and suitable for everybody in Washington State and in the West. Registration is open until September 25. Don’t miss the deadline. We would love to have you in our program as a new or continuing student. For more information, please contact the director Giuseppe Tassone at school@danteseattle.org. To found out more and sign up: www.danteseattle.org

Dante Alighieri August greeting!





The new season starts in September.

Watch for the upcoming issue of our La Voce Newsletter to learn about
“your door to all things Italian!”

Register now for
Dante Society Language Program Classes

Study and Learn Italian in online classes
From Level A-1 to B-2, and more

Tuesday & Thursday 7:00-8:30 PM (PT)
10 weeks per quarter, October to June

email school@danteseattle.org

for our first English meeting

September 13, 2023

Rebecca Albiani speaks about Perugino

St. Clement’s Church
1501 32nd Ave S.
Seattle 98144

Doors open 6:00, Dinner 6:30, Presentation 7:30
reservation email will be sent prior to the date
Volunteers still needed
Meeting set-up and audio visual assistance still needed throughout the season! email Joyce Ramee if you can help. Thanks! joyce@danteseattle.org
Festa Italiana will be held at Seattle Center’s Fisher Pavillion
on September 23 & 24, 2023
Plan to participate in this weekend of fun!
Volunteers will be needed to staff the Dante booth.
Watch for an email signup in early September.

If you are not yet a Dante Society member, you may join at any time. Membership is $40 individual and $50 family. Your membership dues help to underwrite all Dante events, which promote the Italian language and culture. Society membership also allows you to have a vote in society business and to serve on the Board of Directors.


Copyright © 2023 Dante Alighieri Society of Washington, All rights reserved.


Summer Updates from Dante







July 10, 2023

Greetings all,
Hopefully this finds you enjoying a peaceful summer, perhaps traveling, or staying right here while Seattle weather is (mostly) exquisite. Please take a moment to read this quick mailing, and note our first events of fall, which will be here before you know it!
A presto,
Joyce Ramee

1) Exchange Student needs host family

From Tony Barnett, with PAX Program of Academic exchange – Seattle schools and several surrounding districts are accepting exchange students.   David, age 16 from Italy, is described as motivated, active, open minded, calm, mature, honest, responsible, creative, sense of humor, interactive. His mother is a teacher and father is a manager. He has 1 older brother. He enjoys soccer, basketball, tennis, cooking, gardening, traveling. His faith background Christian, not active. If you are interested in hosting this young man, or with questions, email Tony Barnett.

2) In Memoriam

from Sam Ciapanna: “I am writing to report the death of one of our Dante members, Andy Camarda, on June 21, 2023.”
No other information was available — Condolences to Andy’s friends and family of behalf of the Dante Society.

Program Chairs Joan Tupper and Janet Lenart are working hard to line up interesting presenters for the coming season.
Save these dates and plan to participate!
September 13, 27; October 11, 25; November 8; December 13; March 13, 27; April 10, 24; May 8.
As always, our first meeting of the month is a presentation in English, our second, in Italian. English meetings are preceeded by a Pasta Dinner, lovingly prepared by prepared by Dante volunteers. Italian meetings begin with “antipasti e vino,” supplied by all who attend. Each presentation is advertised in advance and open to all. Reservations are needed for dinners, $8/person. December 13 is our annual Festa di Natale potluck, (which might have some special news this year, stay tuned!!) and April 10 is the Annual Meeting (with free Dinner).

*Unless otherwise advertised, all In-Person Meetings will take place at
St. Clement’s Church

1501 32nd Ave S., Seattle 98144


4) Volunteers still needed
Meeting set-up, audio visual needs, and cooks still welcome! email Joyce Ramee if you can help. Several of the dates above are still unassigned. Thanks! joyce@danteseattle.org

Watch for another update in August, with Language Program and local festival information. Felice Estate!!

Your 2023-2024 DAS Board of Directors
Joyce Ramee – President
Bruce Leone – Vice President
John Steedman – Secretary
Harry Reinert – Treasurer
Stacey Howe-Lott
Domenico Minotti
Houghton Lee
Janet Lenart, Program Co-Chair
Joan Tupper, Program Co-Chair
Cammie Enslow
Anastasia Frantsova
James Hoffman
Francesca Agnello
Judith Klayman
Dan DeMatteis, Past President
Giuseppe Tassone, Director, DAS Language Program

Copyright © 2023 Dante Alighieri Society of Washington, All rights reserved.


Dante English Meeting May 10 with Claudio Mazzola



The Rebirth of the Villa from the Medici to Palladio
(English Meeting, Live)
given by

Claudio Mazzola


St. Clement’s Church
1501 32nd Ave S., Seattle 98144


Claudio Mazzola will speak about the rebirth of the villa from the Medici to Palladio. He will analize how the modern idea of the villa developed first in the early Renaissance, in Tuscany, with the idea of the farm villa.  Later, mainly around Venice, many architects developed the concept of the “Villa da diletto” or villa for fun.  We will discuss how these villas, mostly used by the wealthy families of Venice, were structurally different from previous villas.

Claudio Mazzola has been a regular speaker at Dante meetings over the years, presenting particularly on Italian Film.  He  received his “Laurea” in English from the University of Milan in 1981. He also received a degree in cinema studies from the City University of Milan. Claudio went on to receive a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Washington in 1986. His area of expertise is Contemporary Italian fiction and Italian Cinema. He has published a number of articles on those topics. He has also published a reader for third year students entitled Racconti Regionali (Prentice-Hall, 1990) and a second year grammar book, Insieme (McGraw-Hill, 1995). Before joining the University of Washington he taught at the University of Michigan, Vassar College and the College of the Holy Cross.

Dinner will be prepared by a select “Pre-Dante-Pasta” Chef and is $8./person. Please MAKE A RESERVATION by May 8.
Bring antipasti, dolci and/or vino to share!
 Anyone with known recent exposure to  or symptoms of COVID  should not attend. Masking  is encouraged but optional.


 Hope to see you at this final meeting of the Dante season!


Host Families Wanted!!
Edventours is bringing 8 Italian High school students to Seattle for 4 weeks this summer. (June 24-July 22nd) They are looking for host families for the students. Host families will share their American life and culture with a teen while simultaneously learning firsthand from an Italian about life in Italy. Lifelong bonds and friendships usually occur from these exchange experiences. Families get paid $200 per week to host to help offset the cost of food/gas.  Host families can be empty nesters, single parents, parents with young children or teens, etc.  It’s a very rewarding opportunity for the students and the families as well. The website is edventours.com. Anyone interested in more information is encouraged to email Nicole Zahour, nicole@edventours.com

mille grazie!


Copyright © 2023 Dante Alighieri Society of Washington, All rights reserved.