English Language Meeting – February 23, 2022 (Online)

When: February 23, 2022
Speaker: Fr. Tom Lucas, SJ
Topic: Dancing with the Darkness:  Art in the time of Plague
Location: Online

Advanced registration is required. Click here to register.

The Social “hour” begins at 7 pm. Presentation begins at 7:30

About the Speaker:

Father Lucas is an internationally recognized expert in Jesuit art history and is well known as a liturgical designer and artist. As a graduate student, he designed and directed the restoration of the sixteenth century rooms of St. Ignatius in Rome and curated an exhibit on Jesuit architecture at the Vatican Library. After serving for three years as the National Secretary for Communications at the US Jesuit Conference, he joined the faculty at the University of San Francisco in 1995. There he was founding chair of the Fine and Performing Arts and founding director of the Thacher Gallery at USF (1998) and the Kalmanovitz Sculpture Terrace (2008).  

In 2013, Father Lucas was named Rector of the Jesuit Community at Seattle University, where he also served as university distinguished professor and curator of the University Art Collection. He began a new assignment in 2021 as pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish in Sacramento, California, where he continues his art and teaching work. 

Father Lucas has made several presentations to the Dante Society in the past. Dante Society members will remember his talk on the restoration of the rooms in Rome where St. Ignatius lived and died as well as well as his talk on the scavi under St. Peter’s Basilica.

About the Presentation:

Father Lucas will present an illustrated slide lecture on the impact of the Black Death on 14th Century art, particularly in Italy, as the gentle spring of early naturalism gave way to sterner realism and flights of dramatic and sometimes horrific fancy.

English Language Meeting – February 9, 2022 (Online)

When: February 9, 2022
Arnie Millan, Esquin Wine Merchants
Topic: Essentials of Italian Wine
Location: Online

Advanced registration will be required. A link to the registration form will be sent to the Dante Alighieri Society mailing list.

There will be a “social hour” beginning at 7 pm. The presentation will start at 7:30.

About the Speaker:

Arnie Millan has been a wine aficionado for over forty years.  Arnie’s interest in wine began in 1973 during his first visit to France.  Arnie has been consulting to restaurants about wine since 1987. In 1997, he opened his own restaurant, Avenue One, which was highly regarded for its extensive and carefully chosen wine program, winning four Wine Spectator Magazine Awards of Excellence and accolades from Wine Press Northwest and Seattle Magazine, among others. Arnie and his wine classes were featured in  The Wall Street Journal, “Learning the Ropes about Vines” published February 10, 2006. Recently, Arnie was chosen to teach a class on wine tasting to the Washington Wine Commission’s volunteer wine ambassadors. In July, 2014, Arnie was featured in the  Seattle Times as “The Finest Wine Mind in Seattle.” Arnie works at Esquin Wine Merchants, as European Buyer, heading up Private Client Services and Education.

About the Presentation:

Arnie will provide the essential information to help better understand Italian wine.  He will cover Italian wine terminology and the basics of Italian wine law. He will give a quick review of the 19 Italian wine regions as well as a review of some of Italy’s major red and white grapes.  Whether you’re new to Italian wine or a seasoned tifoso, there will be something here to your taste!

Arnie Millan

Italian Language Meeting, January 26, 2022 (Online)

When: January 26, 2022
Speaker: Prof. Sergio Mauro, former Professor at UNESP in Sao Paolo, Brazil
Topic: La missione del dotto nella letteratura italiana:  Dante, Calvino e Umberto Eco
Location: Online

Advanced registration will be required. A link to the registration form will be sent to the Dante Alighieri Society mailing list.

The Social “hour” begins at 7 pm. Presentation begins at 7:30

About the Speaker:

Prof. Mauro è nato a San Paolo del Brasile il 28/11/1961 da genitori italiani della provincia di Salerno. Dottore in lettere (USP) dal 1995. Dal 1999 al 2013, ha fatto 08 ricerche di post-dottorato in Italia (UNIBO, Normale di Pisa, UNISI) con 5 borse del governo brasiliano Professore (in pensione) di letteratura italiana dal 29/05/1986 al 04/12/2019 nell’UNESP (Università Statale di San Paolo). Direttore della rivista (journal) “Revista de Letras” (dal gennaio 2010) Ha dato circa 32 conferenze sulla letteratura italiana e brasiliana presso diversi istituti culturali brasiliani e una conferenza su Dante nel marzo 2021 per La Scuola Dante Alighieri di Asuncion, Paraguay.

English Language Meeting, January 12, 2022 (Online)

When: January 12, 2022
Speaker: Janet and John Lenart
Topic: Traveling in Italy during the Pandemic

Longtime Dante members, Janet and John Lenart, have spent much of the fall in Italy, visiting friends and traveling around. They’ll make a short presentation on their experiences and then open the discussion up to a Q and A with the members.

Carnevale Mask

September 22, 2021 Italian Language Meeting



September Italian Meeting – live!
September 22, 2021
St. Clement’s Church, 1501 32nd Ave S. Seattle 98144
doors open at 6:00 for antipasti; presentation at 7:00
proof of COVID vaccination required for entry; masks must be worn inside.

Elisabetta Valentini,
Honorary Consul of Italy

Our guest speaker at the first Italian meeting of the 2021-2022 Program Year will be Elisabetta Valentini, recently appointed as the Honorary Consul of Italy in Seattle.    She will introduce herself and speak about the services offered by the Honorary Consul and her relationship to the services offered by the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco. The Honorary Consulate of Italy of the State of Washington, Idaho and Montana belongs to the consular network under the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco. The Honorary Consul is a volunteer who carries out limited support activities on behalf of the Consulate General. She recently opened her new office in Casa Italiana – the Italian Cultural Center in Burien.

Reservations are not taken for Italian meetings, but proof of COVID vaccination must be shown at the door and masks must be worn inside except when eating or drinking. Attendees are welcome to bring antipasti and wine to share.  If you do so, please follow the Live Meeting Covid Guidelines* portioning for individual servings and  avoiding common dips and spreads. All food will be served with utensils.

Our new location for meetings is St. Clement’s Episcopal Church, 1501 32nd Ave. S, Seattle 98144.  You may park in the church lot; there is also ample free street parking. Look for Dante signs at the lower entrance to the church, next to the garden. 
*for any questions regarding COVID guidelines for live meetings, see the Dante web site: www.danteseattle.org 
Join the fun of meeting in person and reconnecting to Dante friends!
Hope to see you there.

Copyright © 2021 Dante Alighieri Society of Washington, All rights reserved.