News, Events, Happenings, Interesting Articles

The Dante Alighieri Society of Washington is exploring new ways to stay in contact with its members. For more than 30 years we have published a newsletter, La Voce della Dante, nine times a year with articles contributed by members. We welcome information about Italian related events in the greater Seattle area. Contact us at with your suggestions and articles.

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We are on YouTube!

Check out our new YouTube Channel. We will be uploading recordings of some of our presentations in the coming months as we continue to adapt to changing circumstances.

Recent News, Events, and Happenings

Online Italian Language Classes

Italian language classes are now online. Study and learn Italian, no matter where you are. By Giuseppe Tassone The 39th school year of the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington resumes on Tuesday, October 3, 2023. Our evening classes are now online and suitable for...

May 2023 Dante Seattle La Voce

  Published by the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington                                                     May 2023 President's Message Ciao a tutti! I greet you with two photos of the glories of Skagit Valley this month. Even in chilly northwestern temps and a...

April 2023 Dante Seattle La Voce

  Published by the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington                                                     April 2023     Ciao a Tutti ~ Aprile! Ritorna la primavera!! I hope this finds you well, with your crocuses blooming, daffodils thriving, azaleas and magnolias...

March 2023 Dante Seattle La Voce

    Published by the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington                                                     March 2023     President's message Ciao a Tutti, This is Janet Lenart, Board member in place of Joyce Ramee, President. The Dante Board members greatly...

February Dante Seattle La Voce

            Published by the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington                                                     February 2023       President's Message Ciao a Tutti,I hope this winter greeting finds you well and warm, and if you...

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