News, Events, Happenings, Interesting Articles

The Dante Alighieri Society of Washington is exploring new ways to stay in contact with its members. For more than 30 years we have published a newsletter, La Voce della Dante, nine times a year with articles contributed by members. We welcome information about Italian related events in the greater Seattle area. Contact us at with your suggestions and articles.

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We are on YouTube!

Check out our new YouTube Channel. We will be uploading recordings of some of our presentations in the coming months as we continue to adapt to changing circumstances.

Recent News, Events, and Happenings

Festa Italiana Quiz 2022

2022 Festa Italiana Quiz For the last several years, Domenico Minnotti has prepared a Quiz for the Dante Alighieri Society's booth at Festa Italiana. This year, the quiz focuses on interesting and little know facts about Italian cuisine. The Quiz will be available at...

Italian Classes Begin October 4

Italian Classes Resume October 4 by Giuseppe Tassone The 38th school year of the Italian Language Program at the Dante Alighieri Society of Washington resumes on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022. There is not a better time to start or advance your learning in our Italian...

September 22, 2021 Italian Language Meeting

Join us to meet and hear Elisabetta Valentini, Honorary Consul of Italy in S   DANTE ALIGHIERI SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON September Italian Meeting - live!September 22, 2021St. Clement's Church, 1501 32nd Ave S. Seattle 98144doors open at 6:00 for antipasti; presentation...

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